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Honest Reviews

Disneyland Paris Food Review October 11-13 2023

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Themepark Freak

Before we jump into this Disneyland Paris food review, there’s two things I want you to keep in mind. First, Themepark Freak isn’t your go to for everything food at DLP. There are other great influencers who do cover all of your meal and treat options at the parks. I’m also really bad at remembering to take pictures of my food before I start eating it.

Ok, so now that we get this out of the way, lets dive into this honest Disneyland Paris food review!

Disneyland Paris Food Review October 11th 2023

For this trip, I was travelling solo so I got to indulge my natural eating habits. That’s nothing more than coffee or an energy drink for breakfast, some sort of “snack” like food for lunch and an actual dinner of some sort.

11 October 2023 Breakfast (€0.00 total)

So since I was staying at Davey Crockett Ranch, I had coffee back in my cabin and then threw an energy drink in my bag. I know, not exactly the breakfast of champions but it’s what I’ve been doing more or less since high school.

11 October 2023 Lunch (€11.50 total)

Around 13:00 (1PM) I started getting hungry. Since I had just gotten out of of the Mickey and His PhilharMagic Orchestra show which is on the back side of Hyperspace Mountain, I considered quick service over at Cafe Hyperion. This particular restaurant participates in the Collect and Collect scheme.

Dutch Kibbling

However, I wasn’t feeling a full on meal. So instead I opted to get a snack instead. If you’re at the entrance of Hyperspace mountain and go left, towards the PhilharMagic Orchestra show, there’s a snack trailer on the Space Mountain side of the path. They had breaded chicken bites which sounded pretty good. So I got an order of those and a Coke Zero.

The chicken bites resembled the kibbling (breaded chunks of deep fried cod) from the Netherlands, which you can see in the picture on the right. As I mentioned, I didn’t take a photo. They served it in a paper cone with about 8 good-sized chicken pieces. They baked it, and you could choose mustard or mayonnaise as a side.

I paid 8 euro for the chicken bites and I think either 3.50 or 4 euro for the bottle of Coke Zero. If I’d gone and gotten a quick service meal, which would have come with fries or a side salad as well, I’d have paid around 17 euro in total.

For a light lunch, this was absolutely perfect and it hit the spot. If you have small children, I think 1 order could easily be split by 2 kids.

11 October 2023 Dinner (€50.00 total)

Dinner on this day was the only one I pre-booked through the DLP app. This would be at PYM Kitchen over at Walt Disney Studios Park.

PYM Kitchen is one of the many buffet restaurants scattered around Disneyland Paris. To date, it’s actually the only buffet I’ve visited but I thought it was good enough back in February to book it again for my October trip. Here’s why…

PYM has a wide variety of cured and dried sausages and meats, cheeses, smoked salmon and lots of vegetables. These are the things that I think buffets in general don’t do well and PYM kills it.

One of the things that PYM is known for is the big and small food. Like I said, I’m really bad at doing food pictures so I missed the perfect time to show the hamburger whole before the masses descended upon it.

In addition to the giant hamburger, they also had sliders (on the kids food bar there were plane cheeseburger sliders). There was a giant hot dog as well as mini hotdogs and a huge sandwich on pretzel bread. PYM is also known for it’s colorful food such as this salad dressing below.

There’s plenty of warm foods, but I only sampled a few of them. They did have a Mexican flavored egg roll that was pretty good! Then of course, the other thing they’re known for is their dessert bar. Once again, it’s probably one of the best I’ve seen among buffets in a long time. Even the huge Las Vegas buffets.

Now, if you’re on Reddit’s Disneyland Paris subreddit, PYM has about a 50% approval rating. There are the people who don’t think the restaurant itself has much theming. Honestly, it doesn’t since it kind of lets the food take center stage.

There are people who think it’s too chaotic. In February, we had a lunch sitting and it wasn’t very crowded. For dinner, I took a 18:00 slot and it was moderately busy. There was no pushing or shoving for food and everyone waited patiently. Of course there were one or two people who just couldn’t wait, but you’re going to find them anywhere. I don’t think I had to wait more than two minutes to get to any of the food.

I had the dinner (which comes with one soft drink) with an addition drink. This ended up costing me 50 euro in total.

Disneyland Paris Food Review October 12th 2023

For October 12th, I really only had a snack over at Walt Disney Studios Park and an early dinner out in Disney Village. I had to get back to my cabin by 18:00 to sit in a meeting for a project I’m part of and I was headed 30km down the road for a concert (that got cancelled). But, what I did eat was well worth it!

12 October 2023 Snack (€11.00 euro total)

So, this is another little food cart that isn’t featured on the DLP website. I didn’t get a picture of it so I’ve no idea what it’s called but it’s in the courtyard in front of the Tower of Terror. The main snack it sells are flat bread pizza, however, they do have the sweet snack of coconut balls. So I picked up an order with a Coke Zero.

These coconut balls were interesting. They were warmed up from frozen and then put in a container. I want to think they cost around 7 euro for 3. On the outside there was shredded coconut and the inside was almost like mochi and turkish delights having a baby. It had a very interesting texture and tasted quite good while warm.

I had been accosted by a cast member doing a survey so I had to wait on eating the last one. When I got to it, it had cooled down quite a bit and became kind of hard to chew. Like really gummy taffy. Still not bad, but different.

The taste was of course coconut but wasn’t in your face sweet.

12 October 2023 Dinner (€27.50 total)

I was going to get something at the quick service Restaurant en Coulisse but the line just wasn’t moving. Since I had about 2 hours to kill before the meeting, I decided to try Annette’s Diner out in Disney Village.

Annette’s is a 1950’s burger joint. The decorations are on point for a classic diner and the music coming over the loud speakers was good old rock’n’roll.

It took about 10 minutes to be seated. It wasn’t overly crowded for 16:00, but it looked like they only had a few wait staff running around pre-dinner rush. Unlike the sit down restaurants in the parks, Annette’s is first come, first serve. There is no pre-booking in the app.

Once I got seated, I took a look at the menu. I decided that I was going to order the special edition Halloween burger which was around 24 euro and I had a coke zero which was another 4. What sold it to me was the sweet potato fries. I actually remembered to get a picture before I started chowing it down.

I got the hamburger medium and it was grilled to perfection. It was tasty and juicy. If you’re into burgers, you can tell that Annette’s gets it and does it well.

What I really appreciated as a party of one was it didn’t feel like the wait staff was trying to rush me out. I had plenty of time to eat, listen to my book on tape and enjoy my food.

I’m really glad I took all of the recommendations from those that rave about Annette’s Diner to give it a go. This is one I will happily go back to.

Disneyland Paris Food Review October 13th 2023

So now we’re at the last day of my Disney break. If you hadn’t come across it mentioned elsewhere on Themepark Freak, I’m an insulin dependent diabetic. After walking nearly 50 kilometers at this point, the weather being between 21 and 25 degrees (70 and 77 Fahrenheit) and I don’t know what else, my blood sugar decided to keep going low over the course of the day.

This meant I got some “treats” that I normally wouldn’t eat.

13 October 2023 Lunch (€17.00 total)

I spent the entire day over at Disneyland Park, so I decided to give Au Chalet de la Marionette a go. This is a quick service restaurant and you could use Click and Collect if you wanted. It’s also German themed, specifically the Bavarian part in the south.

What caught my eye and looked particularly good was the Hot Pretzel Sandwich with Loin of Pork, Red Cabbage and Mustard sauce. What I got was a whole lot of disappointment.

The pretzel bread bun was actually pretty good. However, the red cabbage had no flavor and was absent of any sort of moisture what so ever. I know some Bavarian restaurant owners who’d cry at that. The pork was also dry. I’m not sure what the kitchen staff did to the poor pork loin, but I think they left it out on a desert island for a week before serving it. There also wasn’t very much sauce. I had to go up and get some extra mustard to try to choke down my 17 euro sandwich.

The french fries, however, were pretty decent. No real complaints. And of course unless they give me a regular coke instead of zero, they can’t really mess that one up either.

13 October 2023 Snack (€7.00 total)

Since it was quite warm (around 22 out which is almost 72 Fahrenheit), around 15:00 (3PM) I decided to treat myself to an ice cream. I had seen the March Hare Refreshments on my trip at the end of February but it was too cold to think about eating ice cream outside. I did, however, enjoy a coffee out in their little courtyard with quirky chairs and tables.

So this time around, I decided to treat myself. All of the ice creams are currently €7 and I had 3 to choose from. I ended up with the Won’Door’land Ice Cream. In the picture below that would be the last one, with the brownies.

For the 7 euro, I got A LOT of ice cream. Just look at my picture below! The brownies were also quite large and everything (including the spoon) was edible. The vanilla ice cream was delicious. It’s not yogurt, but it’s not overly sweet either. This is a soft serve I’d love to get local to me!

I sat and people watched, wrote in my theme park journal (gotta remember what to put in my reviews after all!) and played with my GoPro for a good 40 minutes while enjoying my ice cream. Right when I was getting close to done my spoon started to get a little soggy around the edges. Not bad, and it was tasty.

13 October 2023 Dinner (€16.00 total)

Now, one thing that I find incredibly odd about Disneyland Paris is most of the quick service restaurants close at 17:00 (5PM). During my stay, Disneyland Park was open till 22:00 (10PM) and Walt Disney Studios until 21:00 (9PM).

There were a lot of Dutch families around me, and in the Netherlands dinner time is generally considered to be 18:00 (6PM). Additionally, there were tons of Spanish families. If you’ve never been to Spain, most restaurants don’t even open until 21:00 so I’m not exactly sure what Disney’s thought process is on this.

When I finally took a look at my watch and saw it was after 18:00, I knew my choices in the park were going to be severely limited (and I didn’t want to try to book something on the app). Pizzeria Bella Notte was close by and it closed at 20:00 (8PM) so I decided to try my luck there.

I’m really not a pasta fan so I decided to give one of the pizzas a go. I ordered the Pizza Mickey Pepperoni meal which set me back 16 euro.

With the meal, you get your choice of side which is either a side salad or garlic bread and a drink. I wasn’t feeling the garlic bread so I went with the side salad (which came with a vinegar based dressing).

When I slid in line around 18:40, there weren’t a whole lot of people in line. Ordering was really quick and painless, especially with my AMEX card. I had a less than a 5 minute wait in line and was able to take my order to a table.

Something to note if you have a big family, you MUST order before sitting down. I have mixed feelings on this. I’m happy that people aren’t taking up tables for a long time, just chilling or waiting for their party to get off a ride. On the other hand, I can see having a family of 10 all in line is going to make things chaotic. When I’m in a big party I rather have 1 or 2 people go do the order and everyone be out of line (and out of my hair).

The cast members were on top of it though. Nobody got to sit if they didn’t have a tray in their hands.

The food itself was OK. The salad was fresh, though pretty small for the price of the meal. The pizza was hot and much bigger than I thought it was going to be. It wasn’t the most amazing pizza I’ve ever had but it was a bit better than a cheap frozen pizza from the grocery store. Overall, it fed me but was unremarkable.

Should I Have Purchased a Meal Plan?

Back in February when I had my mother in law with me as well as my 13 year old nephew who has holes in his legs, I think the meal plan I purchased was warranted (full board plus). My party liked having a meal in a sit down restaurant as a time to relax and reflect.

However, as a solo traveler with really irregular eating habits, I think skipping the meal plan was the better deal. Half Board is 50 euro for an adult and outside of the day that I ate at PYM, I spent about 37 euro a day. I’d have been forced to book sit down restaurants to really get the best bang for my buck.

My Disneyland Paris Food Review Conclusion

My conclusion in this Disneyland Paris food review is If you’re coming to Disneyland Paris for amazing food and treats, you’re probably going to be disappointed. Especially if you’ve been to the Florida or California parks. However, if you temper your expectations down to “is it good?” or “does it satisfy you right now?” then the food is OK.

Honestly, outside of that pork sandwich (which really was sad — in hind sight I should have gone back up and asked them to make me a new one), the rest of the food in the park was OK. The ice cream and Annette’s are the two that really stood out as being really good.

Unless you pack your own brown bag lunches (or dinners), this is just kind of theme park reality. I personally didn’t want to haul a bag of my own food around so I just tried to find things that tasted ok. I can tell you if I had kids, I would most likely be bringing snacks or sandwiches to help off set the price because just OK wouldn’t really be worth it.

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